
GK Hair Blogs

What’s Best for Your Blonde Hair?

Raise your hands if you love experimenting with your hair color! Yes, you got that right. Most people today love playing with their hair color, whether this means styling their hair in unique ways or dying their hair in bright. We must remember, though, that such hair adventures also require a lot of hair care,… Continue reading What’s Best for Your Blonde Hair?

Get Rid of Dandruff for Good!

Over the years, GK Hair has mastered the techniques of creating innovative products that solve many hair problems, making many women feel empowered, strong and confident. Some of these problems include frizz, greasy hair or dandruff. Dandruff is the struggle for many out there, who often try to cover dandruff flakes before stepping out since… Continue reading Get Rid of Dandruff for Good!


In the hassles of everyday life, our hair bears the brunt of it. Be it from obsessive brushing, constant washing, inevitable exposure to sunlight, trying to straighten with heat and chemicals or coloring them shades of fun, directly or indirectly, hair is subjected to damage that ultimately deteriorates health and causes them to become dry,… Continue reading DEEP CONDITIONER – EXTREME NOURISHMENT FOR CURLY HAIR


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